Unlocking the Power of Procurement: Benefits of posting your requirements
In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, procurement professionals appreciate the importance of efficient & effective sourcing
of goods & services. To streamline this process and open doors to a relevant network of vendors & service providers, Projects Today portal offers an ideal platform for
the procurement fraternity to post their requirements.
Projects Today is accessed by key stakeholders like Architects, Consultants, Contractors, Interior, manufacturers & service providers.
Access to a diverse network of vendors & service providers
By uploading your procurement requirements, the vast network of Projects Today subscribers’ will get access to reach out to you.
Increased Competition, Better Prices
When multiple vendors compete for your business, you have the advantage of obtaining competitive quotes.
Targeted Recommendations to Emerging Businesses
Our procurement feature also utilizes a direct approach to recommend your requirements to our registered product & service providers that match your criteria.