Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has laid the foundation stone for a steel project of JSW Group, to be set up at an estimated investment of Rs 65,000 crore. The proposed project would have an annual steel manufacturing capacity of 13.2 million tonne with a captive power plant as well as captive jetties with cargo-handling capacity.
The complex at Dhinkia Nuagaon and Gadakujanga in Jagatsinghpur district will also have a cement manufacturing unit and a modern township along with other components. The integrated facility will be completed in a phased manner. The project is expected to foster a robust ancillary and downstream ecosystem, with employment potential of approx. 30,000 directly or indirectly.
The Industrial Development Corporation of Odisha (IDCO) has handed over 2,958 acre of land to JSW for setting up the facility with 30 percent of the total project land to be dedicated for preservation of forests and water bodies. JSW Steel is the flagship business of the diversified USD 23 billion (Rs 1.9 trillion) JSW Group.