Industrial gases firm Air Liquide India have opened a manufacturing unit in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, with an investment of Rs 350 crore. This new plant is a key step towards implementing its expansion plans. This air separation unit will cater to industrial and healthcare sectors, with merchant activities in Kosi, Mathura.
The facility has a production capacity of more than 300 tonne of liquid oxygen and medical oxygen per day, about 45 tonne of liquid nitrogen and 12 tonne of liquid argon per day. The unit will supply industrial gases across Delhi Capital Territory, Western Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.
The medical grade oxygen manufactured in this plant will be supplied to hospitals. Also, the new unit is planned to fully operate on renewable energy by 2030.
Air Liquide India supplies industrial gases to hospitals and industries from its various production facilities situated in northern and western regions of India.