Air India Group has announced the commencement of the construction of a mega maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility in Bengaluru, Karnataka which would strengthen the aviation ecosystem and boost the airline's internal capabilities. It conducted a ground-breaking ceremony on 04 August, 2024, which was attended by State Industries Commissioner Gunjan Krishna, and officials of Bangalore International Airport (BIAL), and SIA Engineering Company.
The upcoming MRO facility, being built on a 35-acre land parcel at the KempeGowda International Airport in Bengaluru is expected to become an important hub for the Tata Group. It is likely to generate over 1,200 new employment opportunities for skilled aviation engineers in India, and support over 200 SMEs in the state through an enhanced supply chain.
Air India has signed an MoU with the Karnataka government in February this year proposing to invest Rs 1,300 crore on an MRO facility. Air India has also signed an agreement with SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) to be its strategic partner in the facility development. The upcoming MRO will have a mega hangar to accommodate wide body and narrow body aircraft under a single roof for base maintenance.
The facility’s capacity will be further expanded to include additional hangars for servicing more aircraft, including paint hangars. Equipped with the latest aircraft maintenance technology such as overhead tele platforms, universal docking systems, and the largest vertical lift hangar doors in the country, this MRO facility will set a new standard in aviation maintenance.
Air India also plans to build a new wide body hangar in Delhi to cater to line maintenance requirements, as part of creating a complete maintenance ecosystem at all major airports.