The government has earmarked Rs 1,000 crore for the promotion of bulk drug parks to Rs 1,000 crore for FY25. The total outlay for the development of the pharmaceutical industry for FY25 has also been increased to Rs 1,300 crore, up from Rs 264.67 crore in the revised estimate of FY24.
Similarly, the outlay for 'promotion of medical device parks' has been increased to Rs 150 crore for FY25, up from Rs 64 crore in the revised estimate for FY24. Further, the allocation for assistance to medical device clusters for common facilities (AMD-CF) has been raised to Rs 40 crore for FY25 from Rs 33 crore in the revised estimate for FY24.
For the Jan Aushadhi scheme, the initiative to provide affordable generic medicines in the country, the outlay has been increased to Rs 284.5 crore for FY25.