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Tuesday, 07 Jan 2020
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Outlook 2020 for commercial real estate segment by Khetsi Barot, Director, The Guardians Real Estate Advisory

Khetsi Barot

"The commercial real estate market of India in the year 2019 has seen increased investor focus. With the prices in the residential market stagnating, commercial properties have been lucrative because of the returns they offer. A lot of developers are now wanting to target the retail investor who does not have the appetite to purchase large commercial offices and are therefore developing commercial projects that offer 350-1000 sq. ft. offices. A commercial asset today offers 1-2% more yield yearly than a residential asset, it is this that is enticing the investor. The start-up culture in India is adding to the demand for more commercial space, the concept for co-working spaces has picked up immense pace and is today driving the growth of large commercial spaces that are looking for lease as opposed to an outright sale. The year 2020 will see a lot of commercial projects being developed that offer small offices with the provision for combining some of these spaces in the interest of larger commercial space if required."

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